.. MONK Testframework created on Mon Feb 11 2013 (C) 2013, DResearch Fahrzeugelektronik GmbH .. You can redistribute this file and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version .. _chap-intro: Getting Started =============== .. _intro-problem: What Is The Problem? -------------------- This framework is intended for developers of :term:`embedded systems` like ourselves. We found that testing our systems manually via serial shell or ssh was not very convenient in the long run because tests needed to be repeated again and again during routine software development, even more so when introducing entirely new products. We were also aware that many :term:`open source` projects use :term:`unit tests` for writing :term:`test suites` for their :term:`regression tests`. These tests are written in test methods or functions that can be executed by tools like :term:`nose` to generate a standardized output stating which tests have succeeded and which have failed. However, writing :term:`unit tests` for testing :term:`embedded systems` directly is not so easy. The reason is, that the :term:`system under test` cannot be accessed directly. It is on the :term:`embedded system`, while the test itself is executed on a test server in a :term:`Jenkins` job. This test server is called :term:`test host`. It is not feasible to run the :term:`system under test` on the :term:`test host`, because in the end it will be executed on the :term:`embedded system`. Therefore test success can only be determined on the :term:`embedded system`. It would also not make sense to run the :term:`test case` directly on the :term:`embedded system` because then test and :term:`system under test` could influence each other. Test results must also be accumulated and stored for future reviews. But an error on the :term:`embedded system` might result in a state where files get deleted or cannot be retreived for other reasons. Therefore a separation of test environment and :term:`system under test` is not avoidable in :term:`embedded system` development. For future reference the computer that runs the tests will be called :term:`test host` and the :term:`embedded system` that is the :term:`system under test` is called :term:`target device`. To enable software developers to write tests that can be run in this complex setup measures of communication must be created between the :term:`test host` and the :term:`target device`. .. _intro-solution: Our Solution: MONK ------------------ :term:`MONK` comes in handy here, because it is a framework that abstracts communication between two devices by creating single objects that manage most of the communication for you. It is intended to be run on the :term:`test host` from within :term:`test suites`. You define what commands you want to execute remotely and :term:`MONK` takes care of that. A *hello world test* with :term:`MONK` and :term:`nose` might look like this:: import nose.tools as nt import monk_tf.fixture as mf def test_hi(): """ send an echo and receive a hello """ try: # set up fixture = mf.Fixture("target_device_login.cfg") expected_response = "hello" send_msg = "echo \"{}\"".format(expected_response) # execute response = fixture.devs[0].cmd(send_msg) # assert - verify response is as expected nt.eq_(expected_response, response) finally: # tear down fixture.tear_down() The code example contains a complete Python file that should be executable with the :term:`nose` test tooling. In the first two lines :term:`MONK` and :term:`nose` are imported and given shorter names for more convenient access. Then a :term:`test case` is defined. The method's documentation contains a short line that explains what the test does. In verbose mode :term:`nose` will use this string for a human readable explanation of what is tested. Afterwards there are four steps: set up, execute, assert, and tear down. These are the usual four steps of a :term:`test case`. In the set up phase a :py:class:`~monk_tf.fixture.Fixture` object is created and given the name of a file. This file contains the information necessary to communicate with the :term:`target device`, e.g., the information to access a serial connection and login credentials. An example file will be :ref:`discussed later`. The :py:class:`~monk_tf.fixture.Fixture` object will read this file and create :term:`MONK` objects (e.g. devices, communication channels) for you based on the configuration. This helps to separate the information necessary to communicate with a :term:`device` from the information that is important for a :term:`test case`. As you can see in the example it is not necessary to know the login credentials used by the test to understand the test itself. Additionally, two variables are initialized with the command that will be sent and the response that is expected. After the set up phase follows the execution phase. In this phase device object created by the :py:class:`~monk_tf.fixture.Fixture` object is used to send a :term:`shell command` to the configured :term:`target device`. In this case ``echo "hello"`` is sent and the response is stored in a variable. Under the hood the :py:class:`~monk_tf.dev.Device` object creates one or more connections to the :term:`target device`, transmits the message in the corresponding protocol and collects the response. This is the central feature of :term:`MONK`. By just calling one method the whole complexity of the interaction gets handled by the framework and the user does not need to be concerned about the details and can focus on which commands he wants to send to the :term:`target device` and what the results should be. As you can see in the API docs of the :py:class:`~monk_tf.dev.Device` class there is also other information that can be evaluated afterwards, like the last prompt or the return code of the command executed. The next step in the example is the assert step. In this step all changes that happened in the execute step are verified to be as expected. In this case we only check that the ``echo`` really printed a ``hello``. The last step is the tear down step. In this step everything that was set up for this test case is disconnected, removed or set back in its original state. High level languages do not usually bother with this step, because the garbage collector will take care of deleting all objects that are not needed anymore. However, when using :term:`MONK` communication channels to the :term:`target device` are connected and it might be wise to explicitly disconnect when the test is finished. In future versions of :term:`MONK` it might also be possible that additional tear down steps might be included in the :term:`fixture files` like shutting down the :term:`target device` or deleting test artifacts. Therefore it is suggested to always include this line. .. note:: Because you need to make sure that the teardown phase always gets executed, the code that might raise exceptions must be surrounded by a try-finally block. .. _intro-cfg: Fixture Files ------------- Fixture files are :term:`extended INI` (short Xini) files that contain the information needed to create :term:`MONK` objects. In the code example given in :ref:`intro-solution` you can see how they can be used together with a :py:class:`~monk_tf.fixture.Fixture` object to create everything necessary to run your tests on your :term:`target device`. To run this example the following :term:`fixture file` could be used:: [dev1] type = Device [[serial1]] type = SerialConnection user = test password = secret port = /dev/ttyUSB1 baudrate = 115200 timeout = 1.5 First, it should be said that the indentation is optional. It is only used for clarity, meaning everything that belongs to an object is indented related to its owner, e.g., ``type = Device`` is indented to ``[dev1]``, therefore it is an attribute of the object ``[dev1]``. If you blend out the indentation you see a format not too different from the normal :term:`INI` format you can often see in Python projects. The only difference is that ``serial1`` is surrounded by two pairs of squared braces (``[[]]``), indicating that ``serial1`` is not on the same hierarchical level as ``dev1``, but is an attribute of ``dev1``. This is also reflected by the indentation. The example describes two objects, ``dev1`` and ``serial1``. ``dev1`` is the main object of this file. The first attribute states that it is of type :py:class:`~monk_tf.dev.Device`. The second attribute is ``serial1``, which is of type :py:class:`~monk_tf.conn.SerialConnection`. All other attributes belong to ``serial1`` and give information used to initialize the :py:class:`~monk_tf.conn.SerialConnection`. This is the minimal definition you can use in a :term:`fixture file`: a :py:class:`~monk_tf.dev.Device` and any implementation of an :py:class:`~monk_tf.conn.AConnection`. Describing objects in :term:`fixture files` allows you to reuse a definition, enables non-programmers to change some configuration data like the username that is used for tests, and decreases the amount of information a person needs to understand when reading a :term:`test case`. Therefore it is adviced to use :term:`fixture files` as much as possible. Sometimes, however, it is not possible. For these cases :term:`MONK` is built in three layers allowing for different trade-offs between abstraction and control. These layers will be explained in the next section. .. _intro-layers: The Layers ---------- :term:`MONK` is built in three layers, thereby allowing for different trade-offs between abstraction and control. This benefits you, the user, because you can choose the tradeoff that works best for your current task. It is also a helpful idea in developing :term:`MONK`, because layers of higher abstraction make use of layers with a smaller degree of abstraction and a higher degree of control. Let's look at some details. The layer structure follows the logical structure of interaction with a :term:`target device`: * The direct interaction with a :term:`target device` happens via direct access of connections like, e.g., serial connections. * In a more complex scenario the :term:`target device` is understood as a whole and it is not important what kinds of connections might be used for communicating. Therefore :py:class:`~monk_tf.dev.Device` objects contain :py:class:`~monk_tf.conn.AConnection` objects. Instead of using the connections directly, the user mainly interacts with a :py:class:`~monk_tf.dev.Device` object. * When there are many :term:`test cases` that contain similar :py:class:`~monk_tf.dev.Device` objects it makes sense to describe these objects separately in config-like files, the :term:`fixture files`. :py:class:`~monk_tf.fixture.Fixture` objects read external :term:`fixture files` and contain references to :py:class:`~monk_tf.dev.Device` objects. The user does not create :py:class:`~monk_tf.dev.Device` objects himself. This is represented by the following layers: * :py:mod:`monk_tf.conn` - The connection layer has the highest level of control in exchange for basically no abstraction. Every exception needs to be handled by the user and every step of the connection workflow must be followed manually. In exchange, everything that is done with the connections can be seen and influenced directly and no exceptions are ignored by the framework. * :py:mod:`monk_tf.dev` - The device layer handles connections directly. Connections can be added, removed, or assigned another position in the object sequence. How connections are handled to transfer commands to the :term:`target device` is handled by the devices, though. Therefore this layer allows a balanced trade-off between abstraction and control. * :py:mod:`monk_tf.fixture` - The fixture layer is the highest level of abstraction, with nearly no need to name details explicitly. The user can focus on writing tests without worrying about how the data is transferred between :term:`test host` and :term:`target device`. It is also possible to combine the layers in one :term:`test case`, e.g., a :py:class:`~monk_tf.fixture.Fixture` object contains a reference to its devices via its attribute :py:attr:`~monk_tf.fixtures.Fixture.devs`. This attribute is basically a list of :py:class:`~monk_tf.dev.Device` objects. The same way each :py:class:`~monk_tf.dev.Device` object contains a reference to its connections via its attribute :py:attr:`~monk_tf.dev.Device.conns`. All objects can be interacted with as if the corresponding layer was used in the first place. Installation ------------ To install :term:`MONK` you need ``pip``, a tool for installing and managing Python packages, which you can get via your system's package manager, e.g., for Debian based distributions:: $ sudo apt-get install python-pip Afterwards (or if it was present to begin with), you can use it to install :term:`MONK`:: $ pip install monk_tf This step might require ``sudo`` rights. You might also consider setting up MONK in a ``virtualenv``. You can check whether installation was completed successfully the following way:: $ python Python 2.7.3 (default, Aug 1 2012, 05:14:39) [GCC 4.6.3] on linux2 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> import monk_tf.dev as md >>> md.Device If you also want to run unit tests for MONK you might want to read the :doc:`developer instructions `. Side Note: Working With Different MONK Versions ----------------------------------------------- When using :term:`MONK` you might encounter the situation that updating to a newer version of :term:`MONK` will require a lot of changes in your :term:`test cases`. This might make you believe you have to choose between using a newer version of :term:`MONK` for its features or using an older version of :term:`MONK` to keep the maintenance costs low. We also faced this problem at :term:`DFE`, therefore we developed a small helper script that allows you to do both. If you already have experience in using :term:`virtualenvs` then you should not encounter any difficulties. The basic idea is that for each set of requirements you create a separate suite. Thus if you have tests for ``monk_tf==0.1.1`` you keep all these tests in one suite. If you are starting to write new tests now, you will probably write them for ``monk_tf==0.1.4``. Therefore your new tests go into a new suite. If you decide that you need to do some work on an older :term:`test case` that worked with ``monk_tf==0.1.1``, you can choose to leave it in the old suite or make the required changes and move it to your new suite. If one day ``monK_tf==0.1.5`` is released, you create a new suite, that contains all tests that work with this version. If you want to make use of this little helper, then have a look at `multisuite `_.